Home Academy Meet Our Music Teachers

Meet Our Music Teachers

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To wrap up Music In Our Schools Month, we want to highlight our three music teachers in the Moultonborough School District.  Courtney Abbott is our elementary music teacher. Emma Forest is our grades 6-12 choral and general music teacher, and, Devon Larrabee is our grades 6-12 band and general music teacher.

Courtney is currently in her second year with the Moultonborough School District.  She put together a wonderful Nutcracker performance in December with grades one through three, followed by a band and chorus performance from grades four and five. Courtney feels that “music is an integral part of who we are. It connects us, influences us, and it benefits our body, mind, and soul. I love to teach music because I get to share the joy of making music with students every day and watch them grow into musical people.”




Emma Forest is in her third year with the Moultonborough School District.  Outside of the classroom, Emma currently performs with the New Hampshire Master Chorale as a soprano, works on the NHMEA (New Hampshire Music Educators Association) Mixed Choir Committee, is NHMEA Large Group Festival Chair and serves as the President-Elect for New Hampshire American Choral Directors Association.  Emma believes “music is necessary because it teaches the whole child. Students learn structure and vulnerability all while creating and expressing. Music is a universal language- it crosses cultures and backgrounds. Every student should get to be a part of that experience, whether through singing, playing an instrument, creating music digitally, and/or analyzing its process. Getting to see each student’s progress and reaction to cultivating their skill sets is why I love teaching music so much.”


Devon Larrabee is in his third year with Moultonborough School District. He loves being able to make music with people every day and getting to see the students be their true selves during class.  Devon explains that music is important in our schools “because music is a large part of life in our society today. Understanding what you like and dislike about music can help you make friends, find a new interest, and generally improve your day-to-day life. Studies have shown that students who study music in either Band, Chorus, or Orchestra are better at all areas of academics.”



A big thank you to our music teachers and we hope that you will join us tonight for Music in Our Schools Month Choral Concert.

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